Fibre tiles are those tiles that are often used in drop ceiling operations. They are simple to replace and to move should someone need to get to what is behind them. Often times they come in white only, however, they do have the capability to be painted. These tiles are apart of an elaborate drop ceiling system that can be commercial or residential. The fibre ceiling tiles are often made from a cotton blend with excellent sound absorption. This is why they are such a perfect choice for office buildings that have a lot of people talking in them. This makes the commotion less of an issue when trying to conduct business. They are not only great for sound absorption but help with fireproofing the building as well. And, they offer great heat insulation as well as adding pleasing aesthetics.
The fibre tiles come in a variety of designs and shapes. They can be different sizes as well. The systems are comprised of the tiles as well s the grid systems that that tiles seat in. These are most often used in commercial buildings but can sometimes be used in residential as well.
Some tiles are made with nano-technology, this is a substance that is added to help contain the mildew. These are micro-sized particles that are mixed in with the cotton and other substances that create the fibre tile.
Make a great impression
The ceiling is a huge part of people’s impressions of your home or business. It is isn’t covered by other things and is out there for everyone to see. The ceiling should be light in color to make the room seem spacious. Most fibre tiles come in white, however, they can be painted as well. These ceiling tiles are easily replaced if there should be water damage from a leaking roof or pipe. Ceilings with various levels and proper lighting can really be impressive. This look is easy to do with ceiling tile systems. And, the system and ceiling can be replaced fairly inexpensively.
Fibre ceiling tiles in South Australia should not for any reason be installed in a moist or wet environment. They tend to swell and absorb the moisture rather easily and quickly. With a lot of moisture in the air the tiles will age much quicker and the ceiling itself could collapse under the weight. Places such as basements are places that many residential homeowners want to put in these ceiling systems. However, they need to be properly sealed and drained in order for them to work. These systems are not made to be around a lot of moisture and will be ruined in a wet basement. However, there are tiles that are specifically made for basements. These are the tiles that should be used when installing a drop ceiling in your basement.
Finish your Basement

Drop ceilings are a perfect solution to a finished ceiling in a basement as they are clean looking and will hide all the plumbing and other things that run in the floorboards above. They also will tell you exactly where a leak is rather quickly, as you will see the spot in the tile. However, they can be moved to fix the leak and replaced when the lead is fixed rather easily.
These ceiling tiles can be printed on as well. Put a sky look the ceilings with the appropriate lighting and really wow the clients that walk in the door. Get imaginative with the ceiling tiles. You don’t just have to have the basic rectangle look, there are so many other options and choices to choose from. This is an empty canvas that could use some imagination.
With the grid these ceiling tiles are held, however, you can put light tiles in there as well. These are tiles that are frosted or clear to allow light to come through. This offers a very pale light that can glow without interrupting the natural light that you might have come from the building’s windows.
Get the right color
Sure, the majority come in white, but there are really some great focal point pieces that you can add to the tiled ceiling as well. Most of the tiles are made from cotton and paper-like fibers, but there are tiles that are made from metal as well. These tiles are not as sound-absorbing as the fiber, but they do not have to be used in the entire ceiling either. These can be used just to set off an area, maybe above each table at a restaurant.
Or use metal tiles throughout the entire ceiling and really get the old world feel. These come in a variety of color options and there are all kinds of accessories that complement the metal tile choices. These metal tiles can also come in plastic or resin as well. This resin will tone down the sound a little bit better than the metal and nobody would ever really know. Resin ceiling tiles are waterproof and great for basements or areas that are wet.
There are many ways to lay the grid for these ceiling tiles as well. Some of the designs will show the grid rather well and others somewhat hide it. All current ceiling tiles are made without asbestos. We talk about “Do Armstrong Ceiling tiles contain asbestos” in another section of this site. Should you be interested in knowing more about asbestos, the effects and why it is no longer you used, you should go read about it there.
Check out other information
We also speak about “How to insulate a room using soft ceiling tiles” in another portion of our site. These tiles that are made from cotton and paper combinations act as an insulator. This is a wonderful addition to all the other amazing properties of the fibre tile possesses. So, not only does it help with soundproofing, but it insulates as well.
Drop ceilings have come a long way in recent years and offer many various options to choose from. Should you be interested in different ways to finish off your commercial building or basement you certainly should consider a drop ceiling.